Thursday, May 10, 2012

They come in all shapes and sizes. Their geographic range limited only by national boundaries. Each politician must choose their label; Democrat or Republican, conservative and liberal, which side, this or that? They pick a side, take a stand, and then they shift like so much loose sand. Such is the politics of man. 

Humans are a fickle breed, inconsistent, insincere, 'well bless your heart' or 'thank you dear,' carry different meanings when said with a sneer. Humans say what they want and hear what they hear. Haters, debaters, wackos, and saints, are all the same; because at election time we all go insane.

State by state they peddle wares, beliefs, and concerns, but it's buyer beware. Don't even think of disagreeing, oh don't you dare; because if you do, then you should know, they have a label just for you. Now you are an activist, militant, or domestic terrorist too. 

When one is very good with words or deeds, in the minds of the believers the opponent plants the sleepy seeds of discontent. When they wake up only then will they wonder where their champion went. The newly elected was not your choice, but you choked and lost your voice. 

Patricia Watson
May 2012

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