Saturday, June 18, 2016

Why is This So Hard?

I realize I haven't posted on here in a while. There is a reason this blog has the name that it does. I don't often have the need to vent this much anger. GEEZ-OH-FUCKING-PETE PEOPLE!!!!!!!! Okay, calmly the subject of my anger has to do with the unabashed parent-blaming going on over the horrible death of little Lane Graves. Really people? What did they do wrong? Spend hard earned money to take their children to Disney World, let their kids play on the white sand 'beach,' oh, or let the baby stick his toes in the water? What? As a tourist destination for people from all over the world they(Disney) have an obligation to provide guests with a reasonable expectation of safety. Their spokespersons have said they have a well staffed wildlife control department. Yet five alligators were killed out of that body of water. Five, okay, it is Florida. Florida has gators and gators, well they go pretty much where ever they want.That being said, if you are a tourist resort, you don't let the gators stay where they could present a danger to the guests.
At one time, long ago, in the dark ages of the late sixties, all of the area around Disney belonged to the gators, snakes, bears, bobcats, panthers, and all the other wild creatures of Florida. Then, Disney came and drained the swamps, cleared the woods, and pretty much destroyed one of Central Florida's wilderness areas. That is just a bit of history so that people know, it wasn't always pavement and amusement parks.
There are rumors around that Disney knew about the gators, but 'rich tourists' liked to feed them, so they let them stay in the lagoon. No fence, no gator warning signs, nothing that would say danger to an unsuspecting tourist. As parents they were more worried that the child would fall in the water , than anything else.
Look, When a parent does something stupid, i.e. take their child on a drug run, leave them in a hot car, take a nap while the two year old takes a walk, I'm probably the first to jump on it, but these poor parents were present and watchful, they were just unaware of the danger. They'll always and forever carry emotional baggage associated with his awful death. Do you really think you can make them feel worse? Really, because I don't.